Jesus Provisions Ministries
Matthew 25:35
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Our Team
Our Team
Pastor Steve and Kerry Wilson
Pastor Steve and Kerry Wilson

Pastor and Founders
Pastor Steve and Kerry Wilson have been in ministry since 2007. Pastor Steve was a prison minister for many years when the need to start JPM yearned on his heart to help others in the community. The love and passion they have for ministry together make them a powerful couple that loves what they do and it's better together. In Sept 2019 they established JPM and he turned his 2 car garage into a Community Care Center and office. They now have a youth group and church that serves outside the walls reaching hundreds each week.
Our Prayer is that God will bless us with a building to house our unhoused friends. We want to be able to get them off the streets and put them in a safe center. We want to rehabilitate them through counseling, SS Benefit Help, Getting them to work, and providing assistance until they are able to get back to a way of life. For more information on how you can help, contact us!
For More info about JPM, watch their interview below.

Lexi Wilson
Lexi Wilson
Volunteer and College Bound!
Lexi is the daughter of Pastor Steve and Kerry. Her love for the Lord is genuine. Her testimony is what makes her the amazing Christian she is today. Because of her love for giving back, she is a great addition to the JPM Staff. Watching her grow in God's word makes us very proud that she is part of JPM!
You can watch more about her testimony by clicking below.
Lexi's testimony of HOPE thru Dance
Lexi's testimony of HOPE thru Dance

Miranda Tuberville
Secretary / Director / Board Member
My name is Miranda Tuberville. I am a mother of 3, a dog mamma, and a loving wife. Over the years I have wondered where God was taking my in my journey and JPM is where he led me. After many years of feeling lost and trying to find my way back I found my home within JPM. I strive daily to find a way to be a better christian and a better role model for my the kids and my own family. I absolutely love what this ministry does and I am so excited to be apart of such a wonderful family. I believe that we are placed with certain people and places in life for a reason.
I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.- Philp 1:6

Trish Salisbury
Board Member / Volunteer
Trish Salisbury
Board Member / Volunteer
What does volunteering for Jesus Provisions Ministries mean to me…
After rededicating my life to the Lord, I started to grow and understand the importance of service. Jesus, through His Word and His example, showed me that this life is not about myself. He created in me a heart’s desire to serve others. This passion has led me to serve in the children’s ministry and on the production team at my church. A year ago, the Lord led me to JPM, and I was thrilled to volunteer for such an amazing ministry. I look forward to continuing to grow in the Lord, serve others, and contribute to the mission and vision of JPM.

Regina Sipla
Social Media / Board Member / Volunteer
What does volunteering for Jesus Provisions Ministries mean to me…
I’ve been in music ministry all my life uplifting individuals on a weekly basis through Sunday’s service spreading the word of God through music and I also work in a corporate job M-F 8am-5pm. Sometimes we forget what its like to be in the shoes of those less fortunate until you have the opportunity to volunteer as I did on Easter Sunday 2021 in Nashville, TN. at the Jesus Provisions Ministries Weekly Sunday Service. I was able to see that even the smallest contribution to the unhoused and folks in need is a great help and extremely appreciated and you don’t see that perspective when you’re attending Sunday Church Service at a traditional church building and working M-F in a corporate office. From that day forward, God told me that I have gifts that I’ve been given to help Jesus Provisions Ministries with their mission and vision and continue helping the local Mount Juliet and Nashville, TN unhoused and those in need (200-300 individuals), whether it be singing praise and worship at a Sunday Service and serving meals, helping to advertise a weekly or major event, donating unused canned goods/clothes to the Care Center or promote an individual fundraiser, etc. we all have it within our means to give a few dollars or a couple hours of our time to support and lift up someone in greater need by walking in Jesus’ footsteps.